Monday, July 4, 2011

Goals-Independence Day 2011

First and foremost, Happy Independence Day. Thank you to every single person who has fought for our freedom, starting with the Pilgrims who dared to climb on a boat and sail across a vast ocean to an unknown land just so they could worship God their way all the way to the men and women serving our country today.

Ok, now onto yesterday and today's goals.

Yesterday's Goals:
Financial (None, so met)
Weight Loss: I walked 8,000 steps but I also ate massive quantities of food with some friends, so I'm guessing it balances out.
Writing: I didn't get one word written.
Mini Challenge: I DID IT!

Today's Goals:
Financial: None, it's the holiday
Weight Loss: Drink at least 100 oz of water and try not to go too crazy food wise.
Writing: 3,000 words.
Mini Challenge: Get up to 10,000 steps today even with the holiday!

To finish, here is my favorite version of the National Anthem (yes, I know I'm weird)



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