Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day

Today was good personally but goal-wise, very bad.

I spent most of the day with my mom, Jandy. We went to lunch and a movie, followed by a quick trip for errands since the plaza with the movie theater had a Petco (for her and her cats) and Michaels (for me. Trying to organize my coupons). Lunch was at Souplantation and was only kinda healthy. The salad was great until I dumped the blue cheese dressing. I also stuck with a muffin and cornbread for sides. Yet went with brownie and ice cream for dessert. Probably not so healthy.

Along with that, I stepped on the scale today. 214. OUCH! I've been exactly this weight once before. The day I weighed this much, I went to the hospital and came out 4 days later. I lost 20 lbs that weekend and gained a newborn. Since that's not going to happen this time, I'm going to have to lose weight the old fashioned way, diet and exercise.

I'm still trying to decide which "diet" to follow. There is the old fashioned "count calories" method, but I am bad with numbers. I've followed The Superfoods Diet and have heard good things about Cinch, both which don't require counting calories, but they are both considered restricted. Of course there is Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, which provide you food, but that's very expensive. So I still need to decide.

As for exercise, I'm going to walk. I've got a pedometer (that needs a new battery I found out today) and my goal is to get up to 10,000 steps a day. I'm starting with getting up to 6,000 a day once I get the battery replaced. I'm also going to pull out my Wii Fit for strength training and yoga. I'll let you know how it works.

Anybody have any good suggestions on the diet/exercise front? I could really use some grand ideas since I've got to lose a lot of weight. It does have to include the fact that I bake all the time and will want to eat it!


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